
UPDATED. 2024-04-16 18:40 (화)


파퓰러사이언스 선정 Best of What’s New 2018 'Airbus의 H160'

H160 by Airbus

  • 기자명 파퓰러사이언스
  • 입력 2018.12.10 22:00
  • 수정 2018.12.11 16:55
H160 by Airbus

Safest helicopter on the market

There isn’t much peril a helicopter pilot can get into (dangerous proximity to power lines, an unexpected gust of wind) that an Airbus H160 can’t also get them out of. The versatile helo—configurable for rugged search-and-rescue missions, VIP transport, or ferrying up to 12 passengers like oil-rig crews—uses a novel two-level rear horizontal stabilizer to minimize downdraft vibration from the main rotor, thereby improving low-speed stability, and an always-on autopilot to ensure that even the greatest airborne surprises don’t become disasters. If the pilot becomes disoriented or the craft gets tossed on its side, double tapping a single red button on the stick will automatically return it to straight and level flight.

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